I’m a software engineer turned VC. The highlight of my software career was being the 2nd non-founding engineer at LinkedIn and the highlight of my venture capital career has been building Susa Ventures over the past 8 years.
Founding partner at Susa Ventures. We’re a $90m seed stage venture capital fund. We were seed investors in companies like Robinhood, Flexport, Andela, Policygenius, Newfront, Fast, Stedi, and many more.
I spent four years at Factual, a location data platform. While there, I built many components from the ground up including an in-memory distributed search engine; a logging and analytics service; and the bulk of the data cleaning, deduping, and normalization pipeline.
I joined Google a little after its IPO and spent most of my tenure there working on real-time payment fraud detection. I wrote a large portion of the software infrastructure for that project and also designed and implemented some algorithmically complex fraud signals.
I was the second non-founding engineer at LinkedIn. The story of how I lucked into that role can be found here. While at LinkedIn, I worked on the first versions of products like LinkedIn Groups and LinkedIn Jobs and also implemented some of the core graph algorithms.